Monday, January 31, 2011


As I write this, I am recooperating from a broken toe thanks to my dog, Clubber.  I have experienced a number of setbacks throughout my time teaching group fitness, but this one is the most difficult.  I'm struggling because i'm disappointed, and limited--but i'm moving on, plugging along, and also looking forward to rebuilding after this time.  I'm looking forward to fulfilling my goals and not allowing this to defeat me.  I'm using this as a checkpoint to assess and ensure that I am able to plan for future setbacks.

There may be a few things that you can do during your setback to stay on track, but you must ensure that you are not pushing it, or going beyond what is recommended by your doctor, or your own body's tolerence.  Ask your doctor questions and make sure that you understand.  For me, i've used this time to really rest (for once) and study for the Personal Training exam.  I've done a few pilates classes and DVDs focusing on breathing and relaxing. :) 

Setbacks are always going to sneak up on you when you least expect it, whether it be illness, injury, or just life!  Think about HOW you can prepare for a setback and WHAT you could do when this time comes about?  Do you have back up items at home if the situation stems from life?  How will you develop the motivation to get back on track after your setback?

Stay on track and smile, smile, smile!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Happy New Year!

We are 12 days into 2011, and i'm sure everyone has their resolutions in full effect!  What is your resolution, and what are you going to do to make sure you follow through with it?  For instance, the gym is completely mobbed right now with the New Resolutions but how can we stayed motivated and how can we continue to adhere to your resolution??

If you resolution is to lose that winter weight or holiday weight, how are you going to stick to your goal?  Ponder the idea of setting smaller goals that will ultimately lead you to the big goal.  If you set only a big goal, without motivation, reward, and with the ultimate frustration because you haven't done it yet--you may be setting yourself up for a let down.  Here are some thoughts and ideas to avoid getting discourged and to keep rocking along:

--Make a plan!  Write it down and record your journey to get to your goal. 
--Take your big goal and break it down into smaller weekly, monthly goals.
--If you need something to keep your eye on the prize, find ways to allow yourself rewards if you are able to meet the smaller goals.  (For instance, if you want to work out for so many days a week and you do this for a month--go buy yourself a new shirt!)

Remember, you're always allowed the occasional slip up.  None of us are perfect.  However, you are the one that has to make the choice not to let it get you down, and to get right back on track!  And, do not be afraid to ask for help!  Ask questions so that you can understand. 

Also, please remember, although the people on the Biggest Loser may lose double digits week after week--they are on specialized programs and under strict doctor's care.  This is the real world and we have other commitments (children, work, friends, restaurant visits...), so a safe, reasonable amount of weight is about 1 1/2 to 2 lbs a week, with a balanced diet.  

My goals this year are to run a half marathon after I finish studying, and take the Personal Training Exam--which I will pass on the first try!  What i've done is sort of organized the year so that the first part of the year, I will focus on personal training, and the latter part can be on the half marathon.  My smaller goals are based on studying a certain amount each day, and week, and then also adding in running all throughout the year so that I'm still building up to meet both of those goals by the end of the year!

Happy New Year, best wishes, and good luck on your journey!!
