Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How do you START your day?

What is your idea of bright eyed and bushy tailed?
 Well hello everyone on this lovely day where the sun is just struggling to come out.....  I'm perusing a magazine, deliciousliving,1 from the Health Concern (a little health food store in Towson that is just wonderful) and I found some things that I wanted to share with everyone with the new time adjustment--aka Spring Forward.  I typically just LOVE this time of year, but yesterday I was thoroughly ZONKED! :)  Today, I'm well revived, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and ready to tackle everything again! :) 

From the article "Start the day right," it begins, "'Morning people' relish popping out of bed to take on the day; for others, waking up is a real dreadful chore.  Regardless of where you fall on the morning spectrum, your first waking moments prepare you physically, mentally, and emotionally for the coming day.  The right combination of sleep, sunlight, exercise, and diet can help mornings go smoothly..."

Think about it--when you read this what is your initial thought of the morning?

I love to wake up and get the day started.  The earlier, the better for me.  If I exercise bright and early, it is like I've drank 10 cups of coffee....I can't slow down my mouth (my husband will certainly confirm this!).  But that's me, what about you??? 

Now, how do you typically start your morning?  A cup of coffee?  A morning run?  Curling up and snoozing for more minutes?  Here are the suggestions interviewer John Hoover provides from Dietitian, Rebecca Mohning, RD, LD; Yoga Expert, Vaidya Mishra; and Sleep Expert, Michael Breus, PhD:  "Begin with water and carbs... remember protein... don't take supplements with coffee... wake up an hour and a half before sunrise... exercise (but not too vigorously)...practice good personal care...don't hit 'snooze'....get out of bed slowly....keep a regular sleep schedule."  Want more details, check out the article in full. (See footnote below.)

I know some of these may not even seem realistic i.e., wake up an hour and a half before sunrise--which CAN be slightly more possible now for some of you.  Try something new if you're struggling in the AM.  I certainly struggle with the getting up slowly, because once that alarm goes off (as long as Clubber doesn't come get in bed with me) then I'm ready to roll--thanks to the genes of my Mother!  As for the protein recovery after exercise, chocolate milk (Broom's Bloom has the BEST!!!) is one of my favorite recovery choices!  Yay!  I've also changed from coffee in the morning to tea--I've been getting flavored loose tea from Coffee, Coffee in Bel Air (a great local store!!).  Tea isn't rough on my tummy, and it satisfies my desire for something warm and invigorating in the AM.

Another suggestion for ensuring a good start to the day is from Brian Sanderoff's article "Turning Out the Lights."3  Sometimes if our body feels out of whack, it could simply be a matter of adjustment with your "night life."  Think of living the way that your body is supposed to work, with the current cycle that life is in--right now that means that our hours of sunlight have been extended just a little bit longer.  This may not only cause a change in your hormones, but also in your eating because we're no longer hibernating!!!  BRING ON THE SUNSHINE BABY!!!  (See link below for Brian's article!)

Feel free to share your favorite things to wake up to in the AM! :)

---On another note, check out the website too for some AWESOME recipes!  I'm super excited about the Black Bean Enchiladas (although certainly NOT low-cal!), especially since I'm looking for a great Mexican dish for my sister's baby shower!!  YUM!  (Footnote below for website.)

What a great magazine and full of very informative information!  The Health Concern and The Vitamin Shoppe always have great FREE magazines!!!!

Lots of information here, so ENJOY!!!  Have a great day....And, smile smile smile!!!! :)

1.  March 2011 issue www.deliciousliving.com
2.  March 2011 issue http://newhope360.com/conditions/triple-take-whats-best-way-start-day
3. March 2011 issue www.newhope360.com/recipes
4. Brian Sanderoff http://www.wellbeing247.net/LightsOut.html

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